"The Towering Inferno" website contains excellent information on this landmark disaster movie. Re-live the heated ( sorry! ) rivalry between Newman and McQueen who insisted that they share equal billing and exactly the same number of lines!http://www.thetoweringinferno.info/Also check out the storyboards contained on this website - they are remarkable and good examples for your own storyboarding work.
In the first lessons we will be looking at the key concepts of genre, conventions and audience. One of the genre of films we will be studying is disaster movies. You are required to study this genre of film by the examining body (the people who have created the course you are studying) which is the Welsh Board.
Disaster movies can be broken into sub-genres including natural disasters, monsters, viral, science fiction, documentary etc. It is important to be able to identify the main conventions (features) of a disaster film and to be able to compare and comment on the films you "read".
You should aim to watch as many of the following as possible :
Quatermass and the Pit
World Trade Centre
The Towering Inferno
Dantes' Peak
The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
The Poseidon Adventure (2006)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
The Day after Tomorrow
28 Days Later
It is essential that you carry out independent research and "read" as many disaster movies as you can to expand your knowledge and understanding of this genre but also to enable you to comment in much more depth
Quatermass and the Pit
World Trade Centre
The Towering Inferno
Dantes' Peak
The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
The Poseidon Adventure (2006)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
The Day after Tomorrow
28 Days Later
It is essential that you carry out independent research and "read" as many disaster movies as you can to expand your knowledge and understanding of this genre but also to enable you to comment in much more depth